22.11.24 Shark in the Park


This week our ‘Super Six’ story was ‘Shark in the Park’ by Nick Sharatt. Timothy Pope has a brand new telescope and he's testing it out at the park. Peep through the die-cut holes in this book to see if you can spy a shark. Is that really a shark?

Our ‘Drawing Club’ focus story was the original animation ‘Bagpuss’. We watched the opening scene and found out about why all the different toys are Emily’s shop. We talked about how the toys look different from the toys children play with nowadays and whether we would like to play with them. Everyone loved Gabriel the Toad and found it funny that he plays a bango!

This week our rainbow challenges have been:

Maths – find the different sized rectangles amongst the shapes and colour them in

Fine motor – cut and stick the different pictures to design a park

Literacy – think  of words to describe a shark

Funky fingers – find the ‘sh’ pictures and peg them to the pictures which begin with sh

Creative – paint the tubes and make a telescope

Phonics – write a list of words to match the pictures

ICT – complete an autumn picture jigsaw with 16 pieces

In maths this week Reception have been looking at squares and rectangles and have found out that and even though both shapes have 4 straight sides and 4 corners they are different because a rectangle has 2 shorter sides and a square has 4 equal length sides.

Nursery have been continuing to look at the numeral 2. We have been using the 5’s frames and counters to show what 2 looks like and have been shopping different sets of 2. We also made our own tray of different objects which we organised into pairs.  

This weeks nursery rhyme has been ‘2 little dicky birds’ which can be found at; https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/something-special-two-little-birdies

In phonics this week Reception have continued to recap Set 1 sounds and have recapped sh, th, ch, nk, ng and qu We have been making up different CVC words using all the sounds we have learnt so far and using our fingers to make sure we have included all the sounds needed when writing words. We have been looking at ‘alien and nonsense’ words and using our sounds to sound them out. This is something we will continue practising as this is something that will be assessed during the next Read Write Inc assessments at the end of this half term.  

Nursery have been working on hearing sounds in words and clapping out syllables. This has been a little bit tricky so this is something we will be working on over the next few weeks sounding out and clapping lots of different words of objects around the classroom.

We have had a great time this week playing in the snow. We got our waterproofs and wellies on on Tuesday morning and worked together to make a snowman. We even used a carrot for his nose which someone had brought in from home in anticipation of us being about to go outside!

On Monday during our RE lesson continued to look at the Christmas story. We recapped the story from last week and retold the story using actions to help us remember the key characters and events which happened on this special day. As a group we completed a story map which we will continue to revisit over the next few weeks. The children were very excited to also find out that they are going to be ‘stars’ in the Christmas nativity performance.

On Tuesday we took the telescopes we had made outside to see if we could see any sharks! We didn’t manage to find any but we did see lots of signs of autumn on our walk around the school. We also went around school to see what shapes we could see and found lots of different circles, triangles, rectangles and squares.

On Wednesday it was our first class worship of the year. We told parents some of the favourite stories we have read so far this year and also explained some of the things we get up to when we are in St George class. We all sung our favourite nursery rhyme 5 little speckled frogs and the Nursery children used ‘frogs’ to show the numbers going down from 5 to 0. The Reception children led the school in a prayer. Everyone did an absolutely fantastic job.

Next week our ‘Super Six’ book is ‘The Journey’ by Scott Mann and Neil Griffiths and our Drawing Club focus is the all time favourite story ‘The Jolly Postman’ by Allan Ahlberg.