06.09.24 Welcome to St George Class 2024-2025


Welcome to our first blog of the year!!!

Everyone has settled so well into St George Class and have enjoyed getting to know each other. The children have had lots of fun exploring the classroom and finding out what resources they have access to use during independent learning time to support and extend our learning.

We all went and visited different parts of the school and met different people who make up Longhoughton Primary School and asked them lots of questions about their jobs. They sat in the teachers chairs in the staff room and visited Mr Hetherington in his office. The children went into the school office and met Miss Taylor and she explained to them that she answers the phone and gives Mrs Whaley any messages she gets from Mummies and Daddies. The children really enjoyed visiting the kitchen and meeting Mrs Hinson and asked about the different lunches the Reception children have at lunchtime. They then went to visit the different classrooms and the other teachers in school; Mrs Hedley, Miss Sheridan and Miss Protheroe and got to see their brothers, sisters and friends learning.

We have talked about our classroom rules and how we can work together, be kind to each other and also why it is important to look after the different resources. The children have been outside to play at breaktimes and have had fun playing with the older children on the field.

We have talked about how we are all different and have painted self portraits which are going to be used as part of our whole school display in the hall. We have done some colouring jobs, cutting activities and also made a cut and stick pancake face!

As part of our settling in week the children have sang lots of songs, listened to some of their favourite stories and enjoyed taking part in ‘Squiggle Wiggle’ where they move to music to get going for the day ahead. This week’s song choice was ‘We’re all in this Together’ from High School Musical.

Next week we will start our Read Write Inc. phonics in Reception and the Nursery children will begin to learn a different nursery rhyme per week as well as following TWINKL phonics which is based on the principles of Letters and Sounds which gives the children a good basis for phonics once they move into Reception next year. We will also be completing some more baseline assessments.

Starting next week the children will have 7 rainbow challenges to complete. These are planned around different aspects of the Early Years Curriculum that the children complete independently and collect different coloured sticks when they have completed them. There is always a phonics, maths, literacy, fine motor and funky finger challenge to complete and we add additional challenges to these depending on the theme and topic focus for the week. These challenges give the children an opportunity to embed their learning from the previous week.

We have had a great first few days in St George Class and can’t’ wait to get going on lots of exciting things we have planned for this half term.