04.10.24 Pumpkin Soup
This week our ‘Super Six’ story was ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy. With a snoring Mrs Bear, an excitable Baby Bear and a house full of tapping and dripping and ticking, peace is hard to come by – will Mr Bear ever get a decent night's sleep?
Our ‘Drawing Club’ focus story was ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson. A well-known rhyming story with twists and turns along the way as the animals journey together on the witches broom.
This week our rainbow challenges have been:
Maths – put the autumn shapes in size order
Fine motor – tap the golf tees into a pumpkin
Literacy – copy write the green words onto the pumpkins
Funky fingers – peg the leaves to the correct numeral
Creative – use the dabbers to decorate an autumn picture
Phonics – sort the a/non a initial sound pictures
ICT – ordering numbers https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/mushroomShuffle/index.html
In maths this week Reception we have been looking at different patterns. We have been using counters to make different coloured repeating patterns. We have looked carefully at patterns and spotted any mistakes and have also been using different objects to make our own patterns. As a group we have made a pattern using clapping, stamping and jumping. We have also continued to explore Ten Town and this week we met Thelma Three.
Nursery have been looking at matching buttons, pictures, towers and we even muddled up everyone’s shoes so we could find their correct pairs and match them together!
This weeks nursery rhyme has been ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’ which can be found at https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-five-little-speckled-frogs/zjjbnrd
In phonics this week Reception have been learning the next 4 sounds from the Read Write Inc scheme. We have been using the sounds from previous weeks to make up different words using the magnetic letters. We have also been revisiting sounds and practising the letter formations using the different rhymes. We have been using the green CVC word flashcards and have started to use our fingers when sounding out to represent the different sounds in words to help us with our reading but also to support spelling and writing development.
In ‘Drawing Club’ this week we have continued to use our knowledge of the sounds taught so far to represent words we have been wanting to write. The children have been encouraged to think of the initial sounds of words and use the letter mats to copy these sounds. We have introduced different focus vocabulary over the past few weeks as part of these sessions which link to the different stories. The children have learnt actions to help them remember them and we have been talking about when we can use them in our everyday speech. Some of the words we have been talking about are; recognised, confused, passenger and swoop.
Nursery have been on a listening walk outside this week and were able to hear; a lawnmower, birds tweeting, children playing, an aeroplane and leaves swishing.
On Wednesday morning we went for a walk around the village to see what we could recognise and see if we knew the way to find our houses. We had a map to follow which showed us where the CO-OP, Running Fox and Church as and it also said some of the street names. We used lots of positional language and tried hard to know which was was left or right. Earlier in the week we made pumpkin soup so enjoyed tasting it to make us warm after our walk. We didn’t have time for a play in the park but now we know where it is we can’t wait to give it a try!
On Friday morning we went and met Rev Nathanael in Church for our Harvest festival. As a school we have been raising money to be sent to help people grow onions in the Gambia in Africa, We have been practicing singing 3 hymns and sung them beautifully – our favourite was ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’.
Next week our ‘Super Six’ book is Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and our Drawing Club focus is After the Storm by Nick Butterworth. To link with both of these stories our role play area will be changed for the first time this year and turned into a cosy woodland cottage.