04.07024 Sinbad the Sailor


This week our ‘Super Six’ was ‘Munch, Crunch, Pirate Lunch’ by Bloomsbury. Meet the Beastly Pirates, the munchiest, crunchiest pirates to ever sail the seven seas! If YOU were a pirate, what would you have for lunch? Fish soup? Shark on toast? Not the Beastly Pirates! They like something a little munchier, a little crunchier ... a little more 'piratey'.

Our ‘Drawing Club’ traditional tale was Sinbad the Sailor. Sinbad is the most fearless sailor on the seven seas, facing trolls, giants, whales and wild storms on his adventures. But is his luck about to run out? 

This week our rainbow challenges have been:

Maths –  count the coins and match them to the treasure chest

Fine motor – cut and stick to make a seagull

Literacy – describe the captains hat
Funky fingers – use the numicon to complete the pirate pictures
Creative – follow the picture to make your own pirate parrot
Phonics – read the words on the coins and descide if they are ‘treasure or bin’ words
ICT – underwater counting game


Reception have been investigating odd and even numbers. They have been using the numicon shapes to find the different 1 digit numbers and then deciding whether they are odd/even depending on whether they have an ‘odd’ bit on them.  Nursery have been looking at counting out objects which match a given number between 1-5 and have enjoyed using their own boxes of counters to solve simple maths problems.


In RE this week the children visited our Church in Longhoughton and worked with Rev. Nathanael. We looked at the different areas of the church and found out why these areas are important and can be found in every Church and we also talked about the cross and its significance to Christians.


On Tuesday afternoon Reception worked with Mrs Critchlow and everyone had a chance to show her how the can sort out numbers and talk about whether they ar odd or even. On Wednesday we welcomed some new children into our class as we all moved around into our new classes for a taster session. The children who are new to St George class wrote their name on a display label for the art area and also enjoyed exploring the different areas of the classroom.


Next week our ‘Super Six’ book is ‘Pirates in Pyjama’s’ by Caroline Crowe and our ‘Drawing Club’ animation is classic ‘Captain Pugwash’.