School Day

The school day starts when the doors open at 08:45. The first part of the day is an opportunity to settle in, and practice some of the things we have been learning on previous days.  The tasks we do from 08:45 help us to gain fluency and make things more automatic, for example handwriting, times tables and reading tasks.
In our Early Years class we access the outside area at various times of the day.  We go out to play between 10:30 and 10:45; Early Years and Key Stage 1 use the back yard and Key Stage 2 use the front yard - unless it is dry enough to all use the field.  Fruit is provided for all Early Years and Key Stage 1 children.  Milk is provided for those that request it (free to under 5s).
 St George's class go for their lunch at 12:00  and St Patrick's class have their lunch at 12:15 before going out to play; St David and St Andrew Classes go out to play first at 12:15 then come in for their lunch.
We hold an act of collective worship each day:
Mondays - whole school worship at 10:15
Tuesdays - whole school worship, often led by Reverend Alison or Reverend Nathanael, at 10:15
Wednesdays - whole school worship at 10:15
Thursdays - whole school singing worship at 10:15
Fridays - whole school celebration worship at 09:00 (Parents Invited)
School finishes at 15:15.
In total children are required to be in school from 08:45 - 15:15 each day.  This equates to 32.5 hours per week.
We run school clubs from 15:15 - 16:15 for a nominal fee.
The school is also open for wrap around care for those that need it from 07:45 in the morning and until 18:00 afterschool (see Acorns - Our of Hours Care link).