Collective Worship

Collective Worship

Collective Worship forms an important part of who we are at Longhoughton Church of England Primary School. We come together daily to worship God, engage with spiritual and moral issues, and develop and explore our own beliefs. Our worship aims to be:

  • Invitational, so that the level to which children and adults engage is voluntary;
  • Inclusive, so that all children and adults are able to engage regardless of individual cultural or religious background;
  • Inspiring, so that children and adults leave worship inspired to make a positive difference to their own and others' lives. 
We aim for our Longhoughton children to grow as Global Citizens and Courageous Advocates for Positive Change in their local, national and global community.

Worship is frequently led by the Headteacher, with weekly worship led by a member of the clergy. Often, worship can be led by another member of staff or a class. Our pupils regularly take an active role in collective worship.

So far this year, we have focused on the following school values: Creativity, Compassion and Courage. This year, we will also be focusing on Community and Respect.

During worship, we explore a diverse range of Bible stories, moral stories and inspiring world figures. Role models we have been inspired by so far this year have included Nadia Nadim, Harriet Tubman, Malala Yousafzai, Nelson Mandela and Simone Biles.

Every Friday morning at 9am, parents are invited to our Wall of Fame worship where we celebrate the fantastic achievements of our inspirational children, and reflect on our week. This is a joyous occasion that brings our whole school community together.

On important occasions, such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter, we visit the church to hold our worship which is always a special experience.